产品特性:实验配件 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:美国 |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:赛默飞 | 型号:26074-3390 |
测量范围:30 m × 0.32 mm × 1.8 ?m | 测量对象:咨询 | 控温范围:咨询℃ |
尺寸:咨询mm | 重量:咨询kg |
货号 26074-3390
直径(公制) 0.32 mm
内径(公制) 0.32 mm
适用于(应用) GC-MS or TG-ALC Plus II dual column confirmation when using GC-FID
产品线 TraceGOLD
固定相 TG-ALC Plus I
温度 260°C
膜厚度 1.8 ?m
长度(公制) 30 m
描述 TraceGOLD TG-ALC PLUS I GC Column, 30 m X 0.32 mm X 1.8 ?m
Unit Size Each
Redefining Your Expectations for GC:
Low bleed delivers excellent signal-to-noise ratio, sensitivity, and mass spectral integrity.
Fast analysis time facilitates full separation of blood alcohols.
Highly inert phase ensures excellent peak shape and sensitivity.
Blood alcohol analysis
Abused inhalant anesthetics
γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
γ-butyrolactone (GBL)
Common industrial solvents
A Leap Forward in Performance with Low Bleed and Superior Inertness:
A low-bleed, stable column produces consistent results.
Low baseline noise enables improved limits of detection with enhanced resolution of low level analytes.
Minimizing column bleed extends column lifetime, leading to higher productivity.
Reducing column bleed increases reproducibility of the stationary phase over time, resulting in greater run-to-run and batch-to-batch reproducibility.
Superior inertness ensures excellent peak shape and sensitivity, especially for highly active or difficult-to-analyze compounds.
Proprietary phase facilitates analysis of difficult-to-analyze compounds
Similar To:
Rtx BAC Plus 1
Rtx BAC Plus 2